Mozilla Firefox 20.0 Beta 7

Mozilla Firefox 20.0 Beta 7

Mozilla Firefox 20.0 Beta 7

Mozilla Firefox – faster, more secure, easier to use and sporting a new look, this latest Firefox release sets a new standard for web browser innovation. Firefox is small, fast and easy to use, and offers many advantages over other web browsers, such as the tabbed browsing and the ability to block pop-up windows. View Web pages way faster, using less of your computer’s memory. Take Firefox with you wherever you go. Synchronize your browsing across multiple devices. Forget clunky URLs – find the sites you love in seconds. Firefox has the most ways to customize your online experience specifically for the way you use the web. It is built with you in mind, so it’s easy and instinctive to use even the first time you try it. Thousands of Add-ons (little extras that augment Firefox to meet your unique needs) just waiting out there to help you do more, have more fun and be more creative online. Firefox keeps your personal info and your online interests away from the bad guys. Simply put, your security is our top priority.
Choose from 5000 free extras to make your browser look and function the way you want. An add-on can be a new time-saving toolbar button, a shortcut to search, a themed look, and more. Add-ons make browsing easier.

 Easy Ways To Personalize:
  • Add Style: Personas. Make Firefox match your style! Choose from thousands of Personas designed by users around the world, or create one yourself. With a single click you can dress up your browser however you want.
  • Customize: Add-ons. Many of the most popular add-ons are extensions, little extras you download to add more bells & whistles to Firefox. Compare prices, check the weather, listen to music, update your Facebook profile – all built right into the browser.
  • Make It Work: Plugins. Plugins are small bits of third-party software built by companies like Adobe Systems or Apple to power videos, animation and games (examples include Flash Player or Quicktime). They can cause browser crashes or pose security risks when they get out of date, so we’ve built an easy tool to help you stay current.
  • Adapt Your Interface. The Firefox interface has been designed by a team of experts and tested by a community of millions of users around the world to make sure your browsing is as easy and intuitive as possible. But, everyone has their own specific needs, and you can always adjust the interface to be exactly the way you like it: re-arrange, organize, add or remove buttons or fields to change your browsing experience however you want.
  • Stay In Sync. Sync seamlessly connects your desktop and mobile Firefoxes, so you can access your browsing history, passwords, bookmarks and even open tabs no matter which device you use. Now you can surf the Web on your desktop, get up in the middle of browsing and have your open tabs ready and waiting on your mobile, just as you left them. Your browsing will never be the same.
Blazing Performance:
  • Making the Web Faster. Fasten your seat belts! With faster start-up times, rapid graphics rendering and improved page load speed, Firefox is full of major performance enhancements you’ll notice instantly. Upgrades to DOM and Style Resolution performance mean pages load faster, scrolling up and down is smoother, and web applications can run at breakneck speed. It’s an entirely new – and fast – browsing experience.
  • Web Application Speed. Web applications like mail, video or games keep getting more awesome, but they also require additional processing power to run smoothly. To meet these increasingly sophisticated demands, Firefox features a massively improved javascript engine called JägerMonkey. As a result, Firefox handles even the most dynamic applications smoothly and easily, allowing you to enjoy the very best the modern Web has to offer.
  • Hardware Acceleration. Whether you’re using Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP or Mac OS X with Firefox, you’ll also enjoy hardware acceleration for many common operations, such as watching videos or playing games. Firefox uses a new layers-based graphics system that takes advantage of Direct2D and Direct3D on Windows and OpenGL on Mac to deliver amazing performance even on graphics-heavy sites.
Firefox Helps You Stay Safe:
  • Protect YourPrivacy. When you browse, you leave a trail of data that potentially contains all sorts of personal information. We believe this info belongs to you and you alone (and least of all to overzealous advertisers), and have built in features to ensure that’s the case.
  • Browse With Security. Whether it’s buying a gift, paying your bills or simply signing in to Facebook, it’s important keep your personal info out of the hands of any online bad guys who might be snooping around. Fortunately, Firefox is packed with advanced security features to help you stay safe.
  • Stay In Control. The online world is always changing, which is why we give you easy-to-use tools to let you adapt and make smart choices as you go.
  • It’s Part of Our Mission. Mozilla is a non-profit organization with the goal of making the Web. better for everyone. We’re not trying to make money off our users – we just want you to have the best possible experience online, and that includes keeping you and your personal information safe and private.

Download Mozilla Firefox 20.0 Beta 7.rar (21.144 KB)

Extreme GPU Bruteforcer 2.3.1

Extreme GPU Bruteforcer 2.3.1

Extreme GPU Bruteforcer 2.3.1

Extreme GPU Bruteforcer is a professional solution for the recovery of passwords from hashes using GPU. The software supports hashes of the following types: MySQL, MySQL5, DES(Unix), MD4, MD5, MD5(Unix), MD5(APR), MD5(phpBB3), MD5(WordPress), LM, NTLM, SHA-1 and many others. On modern graphics cards from NVIDIA that support the CUDA technology, the software demonstrates outstanding operation speed. For example, an average attack speed on NVIDIA GTS250 is 420 million passwords per second for MD5 hashes, 700 million passwords per second for MySQL hashes and 550 million passwords per second for NTLM hashes.

The solution implements several unique attacks, including mask and dictionary attacks, which allow recovering even the strongest passwords incredibly fast. Utilizing the power of multiple graphics cards running simultaneously (supports up to 32 GPU), the software allows reaching incredible search speeds of billions of passwords per second!

The number of salted hashes the software can handle simultaneously: 800; the number of unsalted hashes: unlimited.

To launch the program, pass the following command-line parameters to it:

1. Name of the INI file with attack settings. This parameter is not mandatory, since by default each EXE module uses the INI file with the name identical to the module name (for example, “MD5.exe” will use settings from the “MD5.ini” file available in the program setup file). However, you can create several INI files with different attack parameters and feed them to the program one after another.

2. Name of the text file with hashes. The format of hash lines to be observed: “one line = one hash”. The program setup file includes evaluation files with hash samples. This parameter is mandatory.


Download Extreme GPU Bruteforcer 2.3.1.rar (11.996 KB)

WYSIWYG Web Builder 8.5.6 Incl Keygen

WYSIWYG Web Builder 8.5.6 Incl Keygen

WYSIWYG Web Builder 8.5.6 Incl Keygen

Web Builder is a WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) program used to create web pages. WYSIWYG means that the finished page will display exactly the way it was designed. The program generates HTML (HyperText Markup Language) tags while you point and click on desired functions; you can create a web page without learning HTML. Just drag and drop objects to the page position them ‘anywhere’ you want and when you’re finished publish it to your web server (using the built in Publish tool). Web Builder gives you full control over the content and layout of your web page.

WYSIWYG Web Builder features:
• No HTML knowledge needed!
• Drag and drop objects from the toolbox on the page anywhere you like!
• Site Management. Easily add, edit, clone and structure your web pages from a single file.
• Customizable menus, toolbars, keyboard accelerators, dockable windows, tabs, autohide windows.
• Form layout object to create forms, including actions, hidden fields etc.
• Supports Form fields: Editbox, TextArea, Checkbox, Radiobutton, Combobox and Button.
• Form Wizard to create form in 4 steps. Select from a dozen ready-to-use forms.
• Rich text support: text object can contain different fonts, colors, links and sizes.
• Custom HTML object to insert your own HTML or javascripts.
• ActiveX, JAVA, Flash, Windows Media player, Quicktime, Real Audio and other Plug-In support.
• Publish your entire web site, a single page or a group of pages (to local drive or a web server) .
• Built-in Photo Gallery maker, with lots of cool features like picture frames!
• Built-in Banner maker.
• Rollover images.
• Bulleted Lists: Circle, Disc, Square, Numeric (1, 2, 3), Alpha (a, b, c) , Roman (I, II, III) and custom images.
• Image maps.
• Customize scrollbar colors for Microsoft Internet Explorer.
• Navigation bars.
• Tab Menus.
• Slide Menus.
• Ready-to-use javascripts.
• Template support. Already more than 100 templates available!
• Insert Symbols (special characters).
• Slide Show component .
• Support for third-party add-ons, using the Web Builder Component Developers Kit.
• Import existing HTML pages.
• Hyperlink Style Sheet, to customize the colors/formatting of hyperlinks.
• Built-in Popup support.
• Show optional rulers and ruler guides.
• Page transitions in Page Properties.
• Inline Frame component (IFRAME).
• Go menu: easily create a drop-down navigation menus.
• Menubar: powerful menu script that can mimic complex menus found in popular GUI applications.
• Shape object (Rectangle, Round rect, Ellipse, Diamond, Hexagon, Octagon, Parallelogram, Triangle, Trapezoid, Arrows, Flag, Flower, Heart, Signs, Stars, Talk Bubbles and much more!).
• Embedded OLE component.
• Master page object. This allows you to re-use objects from other pages (master page concept).
• Layer Object for advanced layout possibilities.
• Find/Replace for text objects.
• Validation tools for form components: EditBox, Combobox and TextArea.
• Rotation for shapes and images.
• Properties Inspector for quick object manipulation.
• Ability to group/ungroup objects.
• Image tools: Contrast, Brightness, Hue/Saturation, Flip, Rotate, Resample, Crop and Stencils.
• Image effects: GrayScale, Negative, Sepia, Blur, Soften, Sharpen, Noise, Emboss and more!
• Drawing tools: Line, Line + Arrows, Scribble, Polygon, Curve and Closed Curve.
• Photo gallery border styles/ photo frames.
• Images, shapes and form controls have a new Events Page, to easily add actions to object events!
• The PayPal eCommerce Tools are the quickest and easiest way to add eCommerce to your web site!
• RSS Feed object with podcast option.
• Blog with built-in RSS feed option.
• Google compatible sitemap generator
• and much much more!


Download WYSIWYG Web Builder 8.5.6.rar (6.496 KB)

McAfee Stinger

McAfee Stinger

McAfee Stinger

Stinger detects and removes prevalent Fake Alert malware and threats identified in the “List Viruses” section of the Stinger application. While not a replacement for full fledged antivirus software, Stinger is updated multiple times a week to include detection for newer Fake Alert variants and prevalent viruses.

Stinger is a standalone utility used to detect and remove specific viruses. It is not a substitute for full anti-virus protection, but rather a tool to assist administrators and users when dealing with an infected system. Stinger utilizes next-generation scan engine technology, including process scanning, digitally signed .DAT files, and scan performance optimizations. It detects and removes threats identified under the “List Viruses” icon in the Stinger application.

Stinger includes detection for all known variants:
-W32/Anig.worm, -W32/Bagle, -Exploit-DcomRpc, -Exploit-Lsass,
-IRC/Flood.ap, -IRC/, -IRC/, -PWS-Narod,
-W32/Sdbot.worm.gen, -BackDoor-JZ, -BackDoor-AQJ,
-BackDoor-CFB, -Backdoor-CEB, -Bat/Mumu.worm; -IPCScan;
-NTServiceLoader; -PWS-Sincom.dll; -W32/SQLSlammer.worm;
-W32/ – .bg@MM; -W32/; -W32/ – .bk@MM;
-W32/ – bn@MM; -W32/Bagle.dldr; -W32/ – bt@MM;
-W32/ – .dd; -W32/Blaster.worm; -W32/Bropia.worm.a – .p;
-W32/Bropia.worm.bx/by; -W32/Bropia.worm.q – .u;
-W32/Bropia.worm.q – aj; -W32/Bugbear@MM; -W32/Bugbear.j@MM;
-W32/Deborm.worm.gen; -W32/Dumaru; -W32/ – bg@MM;
-W32/Elkern.cav; -W32/Fizzer.gen@MM; -W32/FunLove;
-W32/IRCBot.worm; -W32/Klez; -W32/Lirva; -W32/Lovgate;
-W32/; -W32/; -W32/Korgo.worm;
-W32/Korgo.worm.aa.dam; -W32/ – .ai; -W32/;
-W32/Korgo.worm.aj; -W32/Mimail; -W32/MoFei.worm; -W32/Mumu.b.worm;
-W32/Doomjuice.worm; -W32/Mydoom; -W32/ – .ah@MM;
-W32/; -W32/ – bb@MM; -W32/Mydoom.bc – bd@MM;
-W32/; -W32/ – bi@MM; W32/;
-W32/Nachi.worm; -W32/Netsky; -W32/; -W32/Nimda;
-W32/Nimda.u@MM;-W32/ – .bd@MM, -W32/ – bm@MM;
-W32/Netsky.ah – .ai@MM, -W32/Pate; -W32/Pate.d; -W32/Sasser.worm;
-W32/Sasser.worm.g; -W32/SirCam@MM, -W32/Sobig; -W32/Sober;
-W32/Sober.j@MM, -W32/Sober.k@MM, W32/Sober.l@MM;
-W32/Sober.m – .p@MM; W32/Sober.r@MM; -W32/Swen@MM; -W32/Yaha@MM;
-W32/Zafi; -W32/Zafi.c@MM; -W32/Zafi.d@MM; -W32/Zafi.e@MM;
-W32/Zindos.worm; – W32/Zobot.worm

Windows ME and XP utilize a restore utility that backs up selected files automatically to the C:\_Restore folder. This means that an infected file could be stored there as a backup file, and VirusScan will be unable to delete these files. You must disable the System Restore Utility to remove the infected files from the C:\_Restore folder.


Download McAfee Stinger (10.831 KB)

Network LookOut Net Monitor for Employees Professional 4.9.7 Incl Keygen

Network LookOut Net Monitor for Employees Professional 4.9.7 Incl Keygen

Network LookOut Net Monitor for Employees Professional 4.9.7 Incl Keygen

Net Monitor for Employees Professional is a tool that allows you to watch the screens of the computers connected to the network. This way you can observe what your employees are doing! Additionally, you have the ability to take control of a remote computer by controlling the mouse and keyboard.

You can record remote computers screens even when you are not monitoring them. When your employees need instructions, you can show them your desktop. To increase your efficiency the console now include several tolls that can be executed on all or just selected remote computers.

When you need attention you can send a message to employees and/or lock the remote computer. Communication uses encryption. Application works through Internet, LAN, WLAN or VPN. Agent can be remotely installed.

What is it useful for?
* For monitoring and recording your employees activities on a remote computers
* For preventing internet browsing on remote computers
* For starting and stopping applications and processes on remote computers.
* For monitoring students in the classroom to achieve better discipline or, just to assist them when they are in trouble (by using the remote control feature).
* For administrating all computers just from one location – your computer.
* For presenting your screen to students.
* For locking students computers while they are waiting for further instructions or assignments.
* Helping your students by showing your desktop to them.
* Turning off, restarting, …. remote computers with one click.

What are the major benefits of using Net Monitor for Employees Professional?
* Installation and use of the application is very easy since all of the functions can be accessed with a few mouse clicks.
* You have complete control over what remote users are doing.
* This application provides you with a live picture of the remote computer screens. The live screen (due to some optimizations) does not use a high bandwidth, but even when the lower network bandwidth is required the refresh interval can be enlarged using one mouse click.
* You can make the presentation by showing your live screen to students
* Application allows you to take over the remote computer by controlling its mouse and keyboard.
* The remote computers´ screens are represented in the table with a customizable number of rows as thumbnails.
* Using this application, you can always see which user is actually logged on to the remote computer.
* Schedule remote computers desktop recording to AVI files
* Execute several actions on all remote computers with on click
* Block internet access

Main Features:
* Displaying a live picture of a remote computer.
* You can take control of a remote computer by controlling its mouse and keyboard.
* More remote screens can be displayed in a table.
* Computers can be organized in computer groups (e.g. classrooms)
* A remote screen can be zoomed to an actual size.
* The name of the connected user is displayed.
* Record remote computers screens to AVI files.
* Show your desktop to students
* Power off, restart, hibernate, suspend remote computers
* Log off desktop users
* Lock workstation
* Control screensaver
* Block internet
* Multi-monitor support
* Control over running processes
* You can lock selected remote computers
* You can display a message on selected remote computers.
* When lower bandwidth is required, the refresh interval can be enlarged.
* Automatic connection to a remote computer is optional.
* Settings for the agent are encrypted and password protected.
* Connection to a remote computer is password protected.
* Access to monitoring the console is password protected. If more users use the same computer, different profiles and access passwords can be set.
* More monitoring consoles can be connected to the same remote computer – you can monitor your students from different locations.
* Application can optionally use encrypted communication.
* Agent can be remotely installed.
* Fast users switching is supported.Employ


Download Network LookOut Net Monitor for Employees Professional 4.9.7.rar (13.323 KB)
Download Keygen Network LookOut Net Monitor for Employees Professional 4.9.7.rar (160 KB)

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Proper-RELOADED

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Proper-RELOADED

StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm Proper-RELOADED - FREE Download PC Game StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Proper Full Version - Welcome to The Hive Mind - You are Sarah Kerrigan, former Queen of Blades. Once the most feared entity in the galaxy, you now wait in a cell in the depths of a high-security research laboratory. Before the murderous forces of the Terran Dominion close in, you must plot your escape to the dark reaches of space... and reclaim your living empire at the Heart of the Swarm.

Command New Weapons of War - Deploy devastating new units across an ever-shifting battlefield. Incinerate advancing foes with the Hellbat, seize air superiority with the Tempest, engulf entrenched enemies with the Swarm Host, and much more.

Unleash Hell - Lead Sarah Kerrigan as she embarks on a path of furious vengeance. Evolve your brood for maximum devastation, unlock latent psionic powers, and swarm from planet to planet aboard your moon-sized zerg Leviathan.

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Proper-RELOADED

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Proper-RELOADED

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Proper-RELOADED

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Proper-RELOADED

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Proper-RELOADED

Minimum System Requirements
  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.2 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2400+
  • Memory: 1 Gb
  • Hard Drive: 8 Gb free
  • Video Memory: 128 Mb
  • Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X800
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
  • DirectX: 9.0c
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • DVD Rom Drive

Recommended System Requirements
  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+
  • Memory: 2 Gb
  • Hard Drive: 10 Gb free
  • Video Memory: 512 Mb
  • Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD 3870
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
  • DirectX: 9.0c
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • DVD Rom Drive

1. Unrar.
2. Burn or mount the image.
3. Install the game.
4. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack directory on the image to your game install directory, overwriting existing files.
Firewall the game manually if you have disabled Windows Firewall, as described in the notes above.
5. Play the game by using the default login (
6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!

Download StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Proper-RELOADED

Source :

Wise Care 365 Pro 2.43 Build 191 Final Incl Keygen

Wise Care 365 Pro 2.43 Build 191 Final Incl Keygen

Wise Care 365 Pro 2.43 Build 191 Final Incl Keygen

Wise Care 365 is a bundle of important registry, disk, and other system utilities for your PC. Easy to use and effective, Wise Care 365 is the best solution to improve your PC's performance. Get Wise Care 365 and your computer will never run slow again!

What can Wise Care 365 do?
• Clean up, defragment and optimize the Windows Registry
• Defragment and free up space on your hard disk
• Protect your privacy by erasing personal tracking data
• Recover lost files
• Hide important files or folders
• Prevent unauthorized use of personal applications
• Auto shut down your PC
• Free up Memory to boost game and enterprise software performance
• Simple "One Click Tune-up" option will optimize your PC


Download Wise Care 365 Pro 2.43 Build 191 Final.rar (8.123 KB)
Download Keygen Wise Care 365 Pro.rar (108 KB)

Pointstone System Cleaner 7.0.14c.241 With Patch

Pointstone System Cleaner 7.0.14c.241 With Patch

Pointstone System Cleaner 7.0.14c.241 With Patch

System Cleaner - a tool for restoring hard-drive space - temporary and log files, cookies and other files in the browser cache, etc. The program knows more than a hundred of extensions used to refer to temporary files, allowing you to automate the process of cleaning the hard disk from junk nakapalivayuschegosya time. On the other hand, you can search and delete files with any other extensions. In addition, the program allows the removal of invalid entries from the applet "Add or Remove Programs." It is important that System Cleaner allows safe disposal - without any possibility to restore utilities. The program has a simple and easy to use interface.

System Cleaner ™ is a tool for restoring hard-drive space, cleaning up the history of your activities on your computer and keeping your system running like new. The program allows you to clean your drives from unnecessary and temporary files, including your browser cache, cookies, history, recent document list, temporary files, errant uninstall entries and more. It targets more than 100 file extensions, which enable it to scan and recognize most of the unnecessary files on your computer. You can choose to delete the files to the recycle bin or to a specified backup folder. In addition, System Cleaner includes a Windows Startup manager and also allows you to remove invalid uninstaller information from the registry as well as a restore wizard to undo the changes if needed.

Key Features:
• Restores your hard drive's performance, hard-drive space and protect your privacy by cleaning Internet history, cache, temporary files, Windows temp files, recent document list, find history, run history, *. CHK files, the recycle bin, additional garbage and much, much more.
• Scans dead shortcuts from your Start menu and Desktop. If it finds any shortcuts that point to files that do not exist, it will list them for you.
• Lets you delete or disable entries that automatically start on Windows startup. This pulls all entries from your Start Menu-Programs-Startup folder as well as from the registry.
• Define your own user defined items to remove (specified files or folders).
• Backup files to a ZIP file or proprietary file format. You can later restore individual files using the "Restore Wizard".
• Clean Directories and Internet Cache Files. Allows you to clean directories that usually have Temporary Files or cache files (Windows Temp Directory, Documents Folder, MS Internet Explorer Cache Directory and Netscape Cache Directory).
• Powerful file search. You can select to scan for files between a certain date, with some or all file attributes, with a certain size or with the contents of a file matching a user-defined text string.
• Remove files to Recycle Bin, zip them, move them to a folder or completely delete them!
• Scans multiple hard drives.
• Fixes system errors that slow your PC down and cause it to crash
• Speeds up your PC's execution of software programs
• Removes space-wasting temporary files and other unnecessary disk clutter
• Tunes up and optimizes the Windows Registry
• Erases all evidence of your computer and internet activity
• Makes your PC boot faster
• Makes your PC shutdown faster
• Fine-tunes all important Windows settings

Summary of the main features of the program:
• Restores and frees up space on your hard drive, stores privacy by cleaning your personal information online, clearing history, cache, clear the temporary files, Windows and Internet Explorer, clean junk files, garbage, etc.
• Scans for invalid shortcuts to "Start" menu and desktop.
• Allows you to disable / remove entries that automatically start Windows.
• Backing up data in a ZIP-file
• Cleaning the folders on your hard drive and Internet directories of debris and unnecessary files (temporary files, cache, etc.)
• Powerful file search.
• The ability to delete files in the Recycle Bin, or backup files in the ZIP-archive, or migrate files to a specific folder, or a complete deletion of files - your choice.
• Scan multiple drives.
• Correction of errors in your system that can reduce the performance of your computer.
• Accelerate and improve computer performance.
• Set up and optimize your registry.
• Complete cleaning of the computer and Internet activity.
• Optimization of system load.
• Optimize landing system (shutdown).
• Setting the parameters of hidden Windows.
• And much more ...


Download Pointstone System Cleaner 7.0.14c.241.rar (10.095 KB)
Download Patch Pointstone System Cleaner.rar (68 KB)

Nitro Pro Enterprise With Key

Nitro Pro Enterprise With Key

Nitro Pro Enterprise With Key

Nitro Pro 8 lets you quickly and easily create professional-quality PDF documents from any format or content type: paper scans, spreadsheets, presentations, reports, and more.

Creating PDF:
· Create PDF and PDF/A documents from virtually any Windows file.
· Convert and merge files into a single PDF document.
· Convert entire collections of files to PDF in one batch.
· Scan paper documents to PDF.
· One-button PDF creation from Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
· Create 'intelligent' PDF documents with bookmarks, links, metadata, and security from Microsoft Office programs.

Copying & Exporting PDF:
· Export PDF for reuse in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, OpenOffice and more.
· Use different conversion modes to export files that look precisely like the original PDF and others that are easier to edit and repurpose.
· Extract all text and images from PDF documents.
· Batch convert PDF files to Word, RTF, and text formats.
· Copy text while retaining formatting, including font, color, and size.

Editing PDF:
· Insert and edit text, including font, size, color and more.
· Edit images — insert, resize, rotate, crop, flip, replace, arrange, delete, and extract.
· Edit image properties — brightness, contrast, color space, and resolution.
· Edit pages — insert, delete, rotate, crop, extract, and replace.
· Split pages of PDF documents based on page groups, page ranges, and bookmark structure.
· Add headers, footers, watermarks, and text to all pages in a document.
· Add Bates numbering across a collection of PDF documents.
· Add and edit bookmarks and links.
· Auto-create bookmarks based on document text formatting and headings.
· Auto-create links based on keywords and page numbers.
· Optimize, shrink and repair PDF documents.
· Edit document properties including metadata and initial view settings.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR):
· Create PDF files from scanned paper documents, or existing image-based PDF files, perfect for publishing, editing, or archiving.
· Create fully compliant PDF/A documents.
· Create editable PDF files and customize documents using the Editable Text feature.
· Create easily searchable, PDF/A compliant documents for archiving with 'Searchable Image' mode.
· Flexible multi-language support.

Reviewing & Marking Up PDF:
· Highlight text content with the Highlight, Underline, Cross Out and Replace Text tools.
· Add Sticky Notes, Text Boxes, and Call Out annotations.
· Add freehand drawings with the Pencil tool.
· Add drawing shapes, including lines, arrows, rectangles, ovals, polygons and clouds.
· Apply stamps to pages, choosing from standard built-in stamps or your own custom creations.
· Attach documents and other files to your PDF pages.
· Add explanatory text and other feedback to your markups.
· Sort and manage comments.
· Filter comments based on type, author, status, subject, and more.
· Summarize comments for easy viewing alongside page content. View the summary as a PDF or print it for paper-based reviewing.

PDF Security:
· Secure documents with passwords and certificates.
· Encrypt with 40-bit, 128-bit, and 256-bit level security.
· Apply restrictions on printing, copying, and altering PDF documents.
· Create and apply re-usable security profiles.
· Digitally sign and certify PDF files.

PDF Forms:
· Fill in, save, print and submit forms.
· Design forms.
· Add, edit and run javascript.


Download Nitro Pro Enterprise x86.rar (43.799 KB)
Download Nitro Pro Enterprise x64.rar (52.083 KB)
Download Key Nitro Pro 8.rar (86 KB)

JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 With Patch

JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 With Patch

JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 With Patch

JRiver Media Center – All-in-one media management app turns any Windows PC into an entertainment hub for complete control of your digital media. Audio, Video, Images, & Television. It connects PC to stereo, TV, remote control devices, digital cameras, scanners, and portable MP3 players. It plays all media, rips, burns, and organizes all your music, images, and video. MC encodes and plays all popular media formats.


• Supports over 80 media file formats
• Create custom Playlists and Smartlists from your media library
• Rips and encodes to WMA, OGG, APE, MP3, FLAC and more
• Freeware CD and DVD data burning
• Support for popular MP3 devices, including iPod®, Creative® and SanDisk® players
• Leading edge organization and customization options
• Selectable skins and Slim View with cool translucent effect
• Search, download and play rich content from Google Video/Images, YouTube and SHOUTcast – all without leaving the application
• Support for PlaysForSure devices and music subscription services
• Unique Action Window for a quick route to tasks such as burn, tag or handheld sync.
• Theater View fullscreen mode for the 10-foot interface experience. Browse media on your TV
• Media Mode buttons for fast access to media type: music, photos, videos
• Integrated CD labeler for printing custom labels and covers
• Podcast support, including one click subscriptions
• pix01 photo and video gallery feature. Create, upload and share photo and video albums on the web – for free!
• Powerful, flexible burning engine – multiple burns, split large files across discs
• Fast and efficient file tagging system
• Automatic folder monitoring and import of newly added files
• Mouse wheel zooming and panning for pictures, video, DVD and TV
• Customizable View schemes — Best file organization of any jukebox
• Freeform Mini View skins
• Support for Standard View skins
• Support for Winamp 2 skins
• 40+ visualizations, and support for White Cap and the latest G-Force visualizations
• New Display View mode
• Remote control support
• Cross-fading and gapless playback
• Media Server — Home networking
• Replay Gain (volume leveling)
• In-line file property editing
• Plug-in support, including third-party plug-ins
• Web TV and radio
• Find CD retailer search
• Online Artist info search
• Visualization Studio – create and save your own visualizations
• Media Scheduler
• Integrated Download Manager
• DSP/EQ Studio
• Media Editor for editing sound files
• Broadcast and cable TV (with tuner card)
• DVD playback and recording
• Digital image organization and tagging
• 3D visualizations
• Flexible database that allows unlimited new fields to be added
• Cover View — shows album art/image for each track or CD or DVD
• TV recording and instant-replay, Pause, Resume, FFWD, REW
• Pane View and Tag mode for the easy selection and tagging of files
• Integrated music/image slideshow
• Preset Smartlists — 1 hour of random music, Last 100 tracks played, etc.
• ASIO Playback
• Multi-Zone Playback
• Web or FTP upload of media files
• TiVo Home Media Option support for music and images. Enjoy your Playlists through TiVo
• Support for Universal Plug ‘n’ Play devices e.g. Media streamers
• Document support with full text searching/indexing
• Basic image editing
• Multi-Zone Synchronization
• Split View feature – Open Library and Playing Now windows together
• Freeware Integrated support for Audible™ audiobook store
• Freeware File transfer support for Sony PlayStation Portable™


Download JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 Final.rar (23.146 KB)
Download Patch JRiver Media Center 18.0.153 Final.rar (152 KB)

avast! Browser Cleanup Tool 8.0.4469.27

avast! Browser Cleanup Tool 8.0.4469.27

avast! Browser Cleanup Tool 8.0.4469.27

avast! Browser Cleanup lists all these add-ons for the 3 major Internet Browsers (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome) and allows to disable or to remove them. An automatic rating system allows the user to immediately see how other users like an add-on. Using avast! Browser Cleanup will allow the user to get rid of these toolbars with a single click.

avast! Browser Cleanup allows removing of well-known annoying toolbars. “Remove” means here uninstall and remove the toolbar and all its components completely from your computer. This action cannot be undone. However, removing an add-on sometimes might not be desired always as you might not be sure what’s really behind this add-on. For this reason avast! Browser Cleanup also offers a button “Disable”. Disable just switches off the functionality of the add-ons. The add-on itself persists on disk. You can undo this action just by clicking “Enable”. This will re-enable the add-on and all functionality is back. Probably you need to restart your Internet Browser, however.


Download avast! Browser Cleanup Tool 8.0.4469.27.rar (2.680 KB)

Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate With Patch

Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate With Crack

Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate

Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate is a blazing-fast drag-and-drop digital video converter, DVD burner and converter, which lets you convert videos/DVDs to and from virtually any video format out there, with 30X faster conversion speed. Stop limiting your video entertainment options on your PC. Make your movies versatile by instantly converting them to AVI, WMV, MP4, MKV, FLV, 3GP, MPG--even convert video to 3D. Burn video files to DVD disc, DVD folder, or ISO files, download or record videos from YouTube, Google, Yahoo, Myspace, CNN and other video-sharing sites, convert home DVD movies to any video/audio, for playback on devices. The program offers some default settings for iPhone/iPad/iPod/PSP/HTC, Windows Media Player/Movie Maker and other popular devices and apps.

More video toolbox than a just a converter, this app lets you effortlessly convert/burn DVD, even download and edit videos--enjoying video anywhere just got simpler.
  • Convert 30X faster than other converters
  • Convert video to 158 formats
  • Edit video even faster and easier
  • Download and capture web video with a click
  • Burn video to DVD disc, DVD folder, or to ISO files with ease
Key Features
  • All-in-One DVD Video Converter
  • Universal DVD and Video Converter
  • Convert DRM protected files to common media files
  • Total playback freedom on almost all video/audio portable devices
  • Amazing Video to DVD Converter
  • Professional video download and transfer
  • Download videos from online video sharing websites
  • Transfer media files bwteen PC and portable devices
  • Amazing video/DVD editor
  • Crop, adjust video effect, and add watermark/subtitle with two real-time preview windows
  • Clip video file/DVD chapter
  • Merge multiple files
  • Customize DVD menu
  • Capture picture
  • Customizable output profile for your every need
  • Flexible output video/audio settings
  • Apply more than one profile to one file
  • Easy operation and free technical support
  • Easy-to-use
What's New in Version 6.0.3
  1. A revamped Download interface.
  2. Add a Facebook button on the main interface.
  3. Fix some bugs.

Download Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate (34.478 KB)
Download Patch Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate.rar (67 KB)

CamBlocker Incl Keygen

CamBlocker Incl Keygen

CamBlocker Incl Keygen

Is someone spying on you through your web camera? CamBlocker enables you to block all your web cameras, when you don’t need them, and protect yourself from being spied on. You can also password protect CamBlocker and prevent your teenager, or anyone else, from using a web camera. The program stays out of way in system tray area, with minimal use of system resource.


Download CamBlocker (369 KB)
Download Keygen CamBlocker.rar (357 KB)

Ashampoo Photo Commander 11.0.1 With Patch

Ashampoo Photo Commander 11.0.1 With Patch

Ashampoo Photo Commander 11.0.1 With Patch

Ashampoo Photo Commander offers the perfect mix of features to manage, edit, present and optimize your digital pictures. The program provides you with a quick and straightforward management of your photo collection including options to create groups, tag pictures and put together virtual picture albums. Assign for example the name of your last travel destination (tagging) to your holiday pictures. This way you can later find all pictures you took at that destination very fast. Be creative and edit your digital pictures according to your wishes. Optimize photos with one click, remove red eyes or use different effects, like color changes, for your image editing. Turn your most beautiful images into oil paintings, create a calendar with your own pictures or a personal invitation with a funny picture of the last party. Photo Commander 10 offers lots of new features and improvements.

Among other features there is the new dual-view modefor the comparison of an original picture and that picture while editing. Additionally, the optimization tools and video functions were improved, new effects were added and lots more. When handling your digital pictures you’ll never want to do without Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 again.

Ashampoo Photo Commander Fetaures:
• Miniature view with grouping function. With the grouping function in the improved miniature view you can get a better overview of your pictures by filtering them according to certain terms (tags), model of the camera, file format etc.
• Tagging. You can now tag your photos, this means that you assign certain terms to your photos. These will be saved to the IPTC meta data and simplify for example the detection or grouping of pictures.
• Batch processing. Batch processing significantly reduces the amount of effort when editing photos. You can convert several pictures into a new format at once or apply effects to a bunch of pictures.
• Editing and optimization of photos. In the quick-fix mode you can optimize a photo with one click, adjust contrast and colors, add effects, resize the photo, remove red eyes etc. Furthermore, objects such as speech bubbles, shapes or arrows, can be added in the editing mode.
• HTML albums, slideshows, collages… Stunning HTML albums, slideshows (with music), collages, calendars, frames for pictures, greeting cards, photo mixes and TIFF multi pages of your pictures can be created in next to no time.
• Audio and video. Audio and video collections can be managed just as easily as picture collections. Additionally, the program offers an integrated playback function so that you can play all your multimedia files with Ashampoo Photo Commander 9.
• Burn discs, send e-mails and create PDFs. With just a few clicks photos can be burned on CD, DVD or Blu-ray Disc, send in an e-mail or be exported as PDF.
• Import from cameras and scanners. With the import tool you can select and import pictures directly from your digital camera or a scanner. This tool also enables the automatic rotation of photos, if the digital camera provides this information. • Skins and plug-ins. Use the included skins to give your Ashampoo Photo Commander 9 a personal look. Plug-ins for handling additional file formats are supported.


Download Ashampoo Photo Commander 11.0.1.rar (161.107 KB)
Download Patch Ashampoo Photo Commander.rar (113 KB)

KMSpico v4.4 Final (Windows 8 & Office 2013 Activator)

KMSpico v4.4 Final (Windows 8 & Office 2013 Activator)

KMSpico v4.4 Final (Windows 8 & Office 2013 Activator)

KMSpico is the ideal tool to activate the final version of Windows 7/8 and Office 2010/2013. Activator does not require user intervention, the activation process is performed in the background, simply run the activator and a couple of minutes to check the state of activation of Windows and / or Office.

Universal (active: Vista / 7/8 Pro / Enterprise / N and Office 2010/2013 Retail / VL)
Does not require user intervention (enough to run the activator).
Simultaneous activation of Windows and Office immediately.

With KMSnano can:
Activate Windows 8 Enterprise
Activate Windows 8 Professional
Activate Microsoft Office 2013
Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2013
Activate Microsoft Office Project 2013
Activate Microsoft Office 2010
Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2010
Activate Microsoft Office Project 2010
Activate Windows 7 Enterprise
Activate Windows 7 Professional
Activate Windows Vista Enterprise
Activate Windows Vista Professional

NET 4.0 or Windows 8 ..
- Activator Windows
Vista/7/8 Pro / Enterprise / N / VL and Office 2010/2013 Retail / VL.
- (Maybe Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012)

- Disable SmartScreen.
- Disable Microsoft Security Updates.
- Making exceptions to KMSpico.exe Antivirus.


Download KMSpico v4.4 Final (Windows 8 & Office 2013 Activator).rar (1.361 KB)

Super Hide IP v3.2.8.8 Full Version

Super Hide IP v3.2.8.8 Full Version

Super Hide IP v3.2.8.8 Full Version

Super Hide IP - Give You Super Privacy Protection On Internet.

Do you know what your IP address means? Are you aware that your IP address is exposed every time you visit a website? Many websites and hackers use IP address to monitor your home address and other personal information. Your IP address is your online identity and could be used by hackers to break into your computer, steal personal information, or commit other crimes against you.

Super Hide IP allows you to surf anonymously, keep your IP address hidden, protect your personal information against hackers and provide full encryption of your online activity, all with a simple click of a button.

Key Features
  • Anonymous Web Surfing
    Click Hide IP button and you will be assigned fake IP addresses, preventing others from getting your true IP when surfing the Internet.
  • Protect Your Identity
    Surf anonymously to prevent hackers or identity thieves from monitoring your web activity or intercepting your personal information such as your financial information.
  • Choose IP Country
    You can select to use fake IP from different countries via "Choose IP Country" option and can Check IP directly.
  • Send Anonymous E-mails
    Hide your IP in E-mail headers. Be protected while sending e-mails via Yahoo!, Hotmail, GMail.
  • Un-ban Yourself from Forums and Restricted Websites
    Use Super Hide IP to change your IP which allows you to access any forums or websites that has ever banned you.
How It Works?

Super Hide IP v3.2.5.6 Full Version


Download Super Hide IP (5.522 KB)
Download Patch Super Hide IP.rar (134 KB)

VueMinder Ultimate 10.1.9 Incl Keygen

VueMinder Ultimate 10.1.9 Incl Keygen

VueMinder Ultimate 10.1.9 Incl Keygen

VueMinder provides popup reminders, desktop alerts, and reminders that can be sent via email or SMS. It includes automatic 2-way synchronization through Google Calendar, Outlook, and iCalendar sharing. It can also import and export to Excel, print using a wide variety of layouts and styles, and much more. Here’s a summary of the many unique features you’ll find in VueMinder.

Key features:

* Flexible Reminder Options
* Google Calendar Sync
* Microsoft Outlook and Excel Integration
* Integrated Desktop Calendar
* Fully Customizable Event Appearances
* View Data By Day, Week, Month, and More
* Share Calendars Over a Local Network
* Send Calendars, Events, and Meeting Requests via Email
* Contact Data Management
* Many Other Features…


Download VueMinder Ultimate 10.1.9.rar (15.892 KB)
Download Keygen VueMinder Ultimate.rar (18 KB)

AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Beta With Crack

AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Beta With Crack

AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Beta With Crack

is a driver, which descrambles DVD-Movies automatically in the background. This DVD appears unprotected and region code free for all applications and the Windows operating system as well. With AnyDVD’s help copy tools like CloneDVD, Pinnacle Instant Copy, InterVideo DVD-Copy, etc. are able to copy CSS protected Movies. You can remove the RPC region code, thereby making the movie region free and viewable on any DVD player and with any DVD player software. With the help of AnyDVD you can watch movies with non matching region codes with every DVD Player Software you like! AnyDVD is capable of removing unwanted movie features, including subtitles and prohibition messages such as copyright and FBI warnings. It also allows you to launch an external application whenever you insert or remove a disc, or prevent ‘PC-friendly’software from automatically launching when you insert a video DVD. AnyDVD decrypts not just DVDs: AnyDVD allows you also to play, copy and rip protected Audio CDs! Decryption is not all that AnyDVD offers. You can control the drive speed of your DVD drive, allowing you to reduce the noise level when watching movies on your PC. You can even adjust the display frequency of your monitor for both NTSC and PAL displays.

Features of AnyDVD:
- Works automatically in the background
- Removes encryption (CSS) and region code (RPC) from DVDs
- Removes analogue copy protection (Macrovision)
- Removes features such as forced subtitles and warnings
- Decrypts without the need to save the data onto your hard-disk
- Decrypts ‘on the fly’
- Prevents automatic launching of ‘PC-friendly’ software on video DVDs
- Allows adjustment of your monitor refresh rate for both NTSC and PAL monitors
- Allows execution of external programs on disc insertion and removal
- Allows speed control of your DVD drives
- Compatible with all DVD media
- Works with all DVD-drives, regardless of region code
- Works with all DVD copying, such as CloneDVD, and all DVD player software
- Works transparently for the operating system: DVDs can be shared over the network and copied with the command prompt or with Windows Explorer, etc.
- Proven to be stable and fast and does not require an ASPI driver
- Features AnyCDDA: play, copy and rip protected audio CDs

AnyDVD HD comes with same functionality as AnyDVD, but with additional features for full HD-DVD (High Definition DVD) support, including decryption of HD-DVD movie discs. Allows you to watch movies over a digital display connection, without HDCP compliant graphics card and HDCP compliant display. No need to buy an expensive monitor. Sweet! Playback your discs on your PC with PowerDVD Ultra, which otherwise do not run (titles released by Studio Canal, The Weinstein Company, Kinowelt, Optimum Releasing). AnyDVD HD is the “must have” utility for the serious home theater enthusiast using a media center / home theater PC.

Another amazing feature of AnyDVD HD is “magic file replacement ™”. Remaster any commercial movie disc using simple XML scripts. These scripts will “magically” replace the files on the physical disc. You can customize discs as you like without even making a copy to harddisk! AnyDVD comes with a UDF 2.5 file ripper, no need to install 3rd party UDF 2.5 filesystem under Windows XP.

Features of AnyDVD HD:
- Same features as regular AnyDVD
- Removes encryption (AACS) from HD-DVDs
- watch movies over digital display connection, without HDCP compliant graphics card and HDCP compliant display.
- playback of discs on the PC with PowerDVD Ultra, which otherwise do not run.
- Removes user prohibitions, you can select the language and subtitle track without going through the disc’s menu.
- Removes parental restrictions.
- Allows you to remove or skip Studio Logos and warning messages.
- With “magic file replacement ™” you can remaster any commercial movie disc using simple XML scripts.
- The “must have” utility for the serious home theater enthusiast using a media center / home theater PC.
- Includes a UDF 2.5 file ripper, no need to install 3rd party UDF 2.5 filesystem under Windows XP.

Features Blu-Ray:
- Same features as regular AnyDVD
- Removes encryption (AACS) from Blu-Ray DVDs
- Removes region codes from Blu-Ray DVDs
- watch movies over digital display connection, without HDCP compliant graphics card and HDCP compliant display.
- The “must have” utility for the serious home theater enthusiast using a media center / home theater PC.
- Includes a UDF 2.5 file ripper, no need to install 3rd party UDF 2.5 filesystem under Windows XP.


Download AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Beta.rar (10.110 KB)
Download Crack AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Beta.rar (638 KB)

Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit BETA v1.1.0.1022

Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit BETA v1.1.0.1022

Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit BETA v1.1.0.1022

Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit (MBAR) is a tool designed to detect and remove sophisticated, stealthy forms of malware called “Rootkits”. Rootkits are hidden forms of malware which most normal malware scanning tools cannot detect or remove. Rootkits have the ability to infect the very core or ‘root’ of an operating system and hide the existence of certain processes and malicious programs from normal methods of detection. Rootkits can also enable continued privileged access to a computer to make system level modifications, leaving the system heavily compromised. MBAR provides a comprehensive system scan to check for rootkits that includes drivers, MBRs (Master Boot Records) and VBRs (Volume Boot Records).

Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit (MBAR) has been tested and proven to be effective against the following types of rootkits:

• Kernel mode drivers hiding themselves, like TDL1, TDL2/TDSS, MaxSS, Srizbi, Necurs, Cutwail, etc.
• Kernel mode driver patchers/infectors, embedding malicious code into core files of an Operating System, such as TDL3, ZeroAccess, Rloader, etc.
• Master Boot Record infectors such as TDL4, Mebroot/Sinowal, MoastBoot, Yurn, Pihar, etc.
• Volume Boot Record/OS Bootstrap infectors like Cidox
• Disk Partition table infectors like SST/Elureon
• User mode patchers/infectors like ZeroAccess.
• And many more!

Download :

Download Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit BETA v1.1.0.1022.rar (11.439 KB)

ActiveState Komodo IDE v8.0.0.77688 for Windows

ActiveState Komodo IDE v8.0.0.77688 for Windows

ActiveState Komodo IDE v8.0.0.77688 for Windows

Komodo IDE is the first unified workspace for end-to-end development of dynamic web applications. A rich feature set for client-side Ajax languages such as CSS, HTML, javascript and XML, coupled with advanced support for dynamic languages such as Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Tcl, enables developers to quickly and easily create robust web apps. Award-winning features include comprehensive editing and debugging, plus intelligent tools for regular expressions, team development, customization and unparalleled extensibility. The result is a powerful coding environment for framework stacks like Ruby on Rails and CakePHP and client libraries such as the Yahoo! UI Library and Dojo.

So you’re a Web application developer? Developing in Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby or javascript? Are you a Linux, Mac or Windows user? No matter what your choices are, the answer is ActiveState’s Komodo IDE, an impressive cross-platform and cross-language environment for building Web applications. And oh yeah, it’s a really great tool that makes working in all these languages a breeze.

Multi-language editor
Multi-language support

Advanced support for:
Browser-side technologies: CSS, HTML, javascript, and XML
Server-side languages: Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Tcl
Web template languages: RHTML, Template-Toolkit, HTML-Smarty, and Django
Autocomplete and calltips
Write code faster and shorten the learning curve with code completion that guides you as you work
CSS, HTML, javascript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Tcl, XML, and XSLT.
Schema-based XML/HTML completion
Multiple-language file support, such as CSS and javascript completion in HTML
Framework support for Rails and Zend
Support for adding third-party libraries
Interpreter version differentiation of built-in and standard library information
Multi-language file support


Download ActiveState Komodo IDE v8.0.0.77688.rar (71.991 KB)
Download Keygen ActiveState Komodo IDE.rar (207 KB)

The Cleaner With Patch

The Cleaner With Patch

The Cleaner With Patch

The Cleaner is a system of programs designed to keep your computer and data safe from Trojans / Worms / Keyloggers / Spyware and all manner of malware. By actively monitoring files and processes on your computer it can detect a virus in action and catch it before it has a chance to do any damage to your valuable data. If you cruise the internet or send and receive e-mail, you can't afford to be without The Cleaner! Never again worry about e-mails you open, or programs you run - The Cleaner detection system will take care of business so you don't have to!

How The Cleaner Protects Your System ... The Cleaner searches your hard drive and cleans it of all known Trojans. Using a unique patent-pending technology, The Cleaner compares each file against a list of all known Trojans. You can scan your entire system or just one file. The program also allows you to periodically update your Trojan database file to keep it current with the latest research.

Features of The Cleaner Pro:
• Malware Protection
• Live Updates
• Registry Monitoring
• Active Scanning
• Stealth Mode
• Quarantine Manager
• Scheduler
• In-Program File Submission
• Command Line File Testing
• Email Alerts
• Admin Message Alerts
• TCMonitor Ignore List
• TCMonitor Editor
• Active Scanner Ignore List
• Encrypted Configuration Data
• Expanded Scan Information
• Scan Pause/Resume
• Enhanced Fonts In TCActive!

The Cleaner 2012:
• Super fast - scan your computer in as little as 2 minutes
• Huge database
• Advanced heuristics - detect new and emerging threats
• Advanced recovery procedures
• World-class User Interface - multiple languages supported
• Daily database updates
• Over 12 years of proven reliability
• Compatibility with all anti-virus programs
• Affordable
• Supports Windows2K/XP/Vista/Windows7/Server 32bit and 64bit!


Download The Cleaner (261.193 KB)
Download Patch The Cleaner.rar (67 KB)

Macromedia Flash Professional 8.0 Incl Keygen

Macromedia Flash Professional 8.0 Incl Keygen

Macromedia Flash Professional 8.0 Incl Keygen

Macromedia Flash Professional 8 is the industry's most advanced authoring environment for creating interactive websites, digital experiences and mobile content. With Flash Professional 8, creative professionals design and author interactive content rich with video, graphics, and animation for truly unique, engaging websites, presentations or mobile content.

A major product release for Macromedia, Flash Professional 8 has many brand new features including: amazing graphic effects, integrated and stand-alone video encoding complete with support for alpha transparency, high-quality text rendering with advanced anti-aliasing control, improved text tools, and a new video plug-in to export Flash Video (FLV) files from professional video products.

- Twice as Fast
Boost runtime performance by 2-8x with the enhanced compiler and the new Macromedia Flash Player 7.

- Third Party Extensions
Create charts and graphs, animate text effects and more with extensions (sold separately)

- High Fidelity Import
Integrate rich media content faster with high fidelity import of PDF and Adobe Illustrator 10 files.

- Timeline Effects
Simplify common timeline and scripting tasks with new Timeline Effects and Behaviors.

- Applications and Data
Build rich Internet applications with a familiar forms-based development environment and powerful data binding.

- High Quality Video
Deliver high-quality video with new professional video capabilities.

- Advanced Interactive Content
Create sophisticated interactive content using slides to organize and sequence your project.

- Mobile and Device Development
Produce and test content for devices and mobile phones with device templates and emulators.


Download Macromedia Flash Professional 8.0.rar (109.086 KB)
Download Keygen Macromedia.rar (50 KB)

KMSpico v4.5.2 Automatic Final Portable

KMSpico v4.5.2 Automatic Final Portable

KMSpico v4.5.2 Automatic Final Portable

KMSpico is the ideal tool to activate the final version of Windows 7/8 and Office 2010/2013. Activator does not require user intervention, the activation process is performed in the background, simply run the activator and a couple of minutes to check the state of activation of Windows and / or Office.

Universal (active: Vista / 7/8 Pro / Enterprise / N and Office 2010/2013 Retail / VL)
Does not require user intervention (enough to run the activator).
Simultaneous activation of Windows and Office immediately.

With KMSnano can:
Activate Windows 8 Enterprise
Activate Windows 8 Professional
Activate Microsoft Office 2013
Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2013
Activate Microsoft Office Project 2013
Activate Microsoft Office 2010
Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2010
Activate Microsoft Office Project 2010
Activate Windows 7 Enterprise
Activate Windows 7 Professional
Activate Windows Vista Enterprise
Activate Windows Vista Professional

NET 4.0 or Windows 8 ..
- Activator Windows
Vista/7/8 Pro / Enterprise / N / VL and Office 2010/2013 Retail / VL.
- (Maybe Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012)

- Disable SmartScreen.
- Disable Microsoft Security Updates.
- Making exceptions to KMSpico.exe Antivirus.

Change Log:
- Fixed Notification Mode.
- Fixed Service.
- Using deagles KmsServer along with a valid random pid script created by m

It is a smart tool, check if doesnt exist a legit permanent activation and then activate for 180 days or 30 days (WMC and Core Edition), later every day or every 24 hours reactive automatically reseting the 180 days period, that makes this activator "permanent".


Download KMSpico v4.5.2 Automatic Final Portable.rar (1.151 KB)

BitTorrent 7.8 Build 29463 Final

BitTorrent 7.8 Build 29463 Final

BitTorrent 7.8 Build 29463 Final

BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P) communications protocol. BitTorrent is a method of distributing large amounts of data widely without the original distributor incurring the entire costs of hardware, hosting and bandwidth resources. Instead, when data is distributed using the BitTorrent protocol, recipients each supply data to newer recipients, reducing the cost and burden on any given individual source, providing redundancy against system problems, and reducing dependence upon the original distributor. Usage of the protocol accounts for significant traffic on the Internet, but the precise amount has proven difficult to measure. There are numerous compatible BitTorrent clients, written in a variety of programming languages, and running on a variety of computing platforms. The protocol was designed in April 2001, implemented and first released 2 July 2001 by programmer Bram Cohen, and is now maintained by BitTorrent, Inc.

BitTorrent identifies content by URL and is designed to integrate seamlessly with the Web. Its advantage over plain HTTP is that when multiple downloads of the same file happen concurrently, the downloaders upload to each other, making it possible for the file source to support very large numbers of downloaders with only a modest increase in its load.

Serving large files creates problems of scaling, flash crowds, and reliability. The key to cheap file distribution is to tap the unutilized upload capacity of your customers. Their contribution grows at the same rate as their demand, creating limitless scalability for a fixed cost. By using software that was built by the same team that invented BitTorrent, you are guaranteed access to the latest, most efficient methods of getting downloads to your desktop.

• Dynamic bandwidth management – download without disrupting other applications
• Detailed stats on the health of media files provides a safer, more controlled experience
• No hardware configuration – reduced hassle of fast downloads

The new BitTorrent brings together BitTorrent’s proven expertise in networking protocols with µTorrent’s efficient implementation and compelling UI to create a better BitTorrent client. As we continue to develop this new client, we’ll be focused on innovative ways to simplify and improve the BitTorrent user experience.

BitTorrent 7 client features:
• Lightweight client
• Local peer discovery
• Multiple simultaneous downloads
• Configurable bandwidth scheduler
• Global and per-torrent speed limiting
• Quick-resumes for interrupted transfers
• RSS Downloader
• Trackerless support (Mainline DHT)
• Always Spyware-Free

BitTorrent 7.8: Performance and streamlining headline list of improvements BitTorrent 7.8 gets a dramatic rewrite to its disk i/o, which means noticeable performance gains in multi-tasking. For example, you can delete files from a torrent or move torrents to a new location, but without the usual slow-down in torrent downloading. Or, download torrents to two different drives, but with the speed of downloading to a single drive. You’ll notice gains at both low and high speeds, and whether you’re writing to local disk, a RAID or a network drive. You’ll also experience improvements to the disk subsystem and rate limiter.

“Next, we streamlined BitTorrent features by eliminating underused and non-core features, including Apps and Find Content, the dual list view and the “getting started” tab.
Finally, we made a few bug fixes including a fix that noticeably speeds up the rendering of magnet links.”


Download BitTorrent 7.8 Build 29463 Final.rar (983 KB)

GoodSync Enterprise Incl Keygen

GoodSync Enterprise Incl Keygen

GoodSync Enterprise Incl Keygen

GoodSync is an easy and reliable file backup and file synchronization software. It automatically analyzes, synchronizes, and backs up your emails, precious family photos, contacts, MP3s, financial documents, and other important files locally – between desktops, laptops, servers, external drives, and Windows Mobile devices, as well as remotely through FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, and more. GoodSync file synchronization software combines bulletproof reliability with an extremely easy to use interface to compare, synchronize, and backup your emails, contacts, photos, iTunes, MP3s, and other important files. Automatically synchronize and back up your important files between desktops, laptops, servers, and external drives over a network or the Internet. Using an innovative synchronization algorithm – GoodSync file sync software is years ahead of the pack when it comes to file synchronization.

Main features:
• True Bi-Directional Synchronization Prevents Data Loss
• One-Way Synchronization Provides an Easy Backup Solution
• Lightning Fast Speed, Low Memory Requirement
• Syncs not just Windows folder but also FTP, WebDAV, SFTP, S3
• Syncs with your Windows Mobile Phone and Pocket PC too
• Selective File Synchronization: Exclude and Include Filters
• Automatic Reconnect for Remote Folders
• Flexible and Easy Sync Automation

Other features:
• No File System Monitoring Is Required
• Chained Synchronization for Multiple Devices
• Embedded Jobs Handled
• Time Shifts Are Detected And Fixed
• FTP File Modification Time Sync
• File Mod Time Translation For Non-Preserving File Systems
• Sync Just File Modification Times for Time Shifts
• Real Time Action Monitoring in User Interface
• Visual Comparison of all Files Made Easy
• Slice It and Dice It With Tree Views
• Tab Display for Jobs Allows Better Organization and Matching of Sync Jobs
• Job List Pane as Main Control Panel
• Total Bytes and Counts At All Levels
• Browse Dialog for Easy Folder Selection
• Mini Window for Specialized Applications
• Free Space Required Predicted
• Logs of Actions and Changes Report
• Job Tags Mark Portable Devices
• Online Backups Via Encrypted Channel

Features of PRO version:
• Unlimited Number of Files Synchronized
• Unlimited Number of Jobs Synchronized
• Free Upgrades
• Business and Government Use


Download GoodSync Enterprise (16.066 KB)
Download Keygen GoodSync Enterprise.rar (150 KB)

Bigasoft RealPlayer Converter v3.7.34.4820 Incl Keygen

Bigasoft RealPlayer Converter v3.7.34.4820 Incl Keygen

Bigasoft RealPlayer Converter v3.7.34.4820 Incl Keygen

Bigasoft RealPlayer Converter
The Best Real Player Converter for RealMedia File Conversion

Real Player Converter is versatile RealMedia converter to convert RealVideo and RealAudio media file to various video formats as well as to convert any video to video and audio playable with RealPlayer for play and enjoy on RealPlayer.

Real Player Converter is outstanding RealPlayer file converter that is capable of converting RealPlayer file in RM, RMVB, RV, RAM, IVR, and RA. It can fast convert RealVideo to AVI, MP4, MOV, 3GP, FLV, H.264, HD, MKV, WMV, VOB, Xvid, DivX, RAD, BIK, WebM, etc and convert Real video and RealAudio to MP3, OGG, AAC, AC3, WAV, WMA, etc. RealPlayer Converter is also known as excellent Real Player to AVI Converter, Real Player to WMV Converter.

The powerful Real Player Converter also makes it possible to enjoy all kinds of formats videos with Real Player. RealPlayer can only play several video and audio formats including MP3, MPEG-4, QuickTime, Windows Media, and multiple versions of proprietary Real audio and Real video formats. By the help of RealPlayer Converter, you can convert AVI, MKV, AVCHD, WebM, BIK, RAD, WTV, MTV, MAV and more to RealPlayer compatible videos for enjoy on RealPlayer.

What's more, Real Player Converter is powered with a smart video editor which allows you to trim, crop, merge videos/audio,adjust the parameters, video effects to customize output effect, capture pictures, add adjust subtitles, watermark and more.

Downloading video from YouTube function is added to this RealPlayer Converter. Acting as the reliable Real Player YouTube downloader, Bigasoft RealPlayer Converter can fast download YouTube videos maximally in 1080p or 720p as well as convert to desired video and audio formats.


Download Bigasoft RealPlayer Converter v3.7.34.4820.rar (10.756 KB)
Download Keygen Bigasoft RealPlayer Converter.rar (95 KB)

Startup Faster! 3.6.2011.14 DC 06.02.2013 With Serial

Startup Faster! 3.6.2011.14 DC 06.02.2013 With Serial

Startup Faster! 3.6.2011.14 DC 06.02.2013 With Serial

Startup Faster! is just designed to solve this problem. We developed an unique technology called “SmartBoot??? to speed up the startup process. With “SmartBoot”, Startup Faster! could optimize your boot sequence by adjusting execution time and disk load. It controls Windows loading and makes great improvements! From thousands of tests on various computers, Startup Faster! can speed up your loading speed by 200% to 500%! Startup Faster! supplies a Startup Manager interface to Enable/Disable/Delete any program in the startup list, remove unnecessary program from being launched automatically will also improve boot speed.

Why do I need Startup Faster!?

Save time

Startup Faster! greatly reduces the loading time of Windows, it saves you a lot of time every time you restart. Even if you are using a slow machine, you will find your computer is performing at least 2 times faster.

Protect your hard disk

Perhaps you’ve heard that mass read and write of hard disk within short time can do great harm to hard disk, actually that???s one reason that caused hard disk to crash. If you install programs often and your startup list is filled with various programs, the risk will get higher. for the hard disk is running its??? capacity. Startup Faster! effectively reduces the loads of hard disk, as well as reduces the disk noise. Try Startup Faster! once and you will see the difference!

Manage the startup list

It’s not an easy job to run programs in a certain order without Startup Faster!. The order is important in some cases, since some programs depend on other programs so they must be launched in order. Another example, launching smaller program first will get systemto be ready faster.

There’s also another common problem: some programs leave dead links in startup groups and registries, even if the programs were uninstalled. Startup Faster! can find and remove these dead links. You can also manually remove or add any program to your startup list. With Startup Faster! you take full control.


Download Startup Faster! 3.6.2011.14 DC 06.02.2013.rar (6.040 KB)
Download Serial Startup Faster! 3.6.2011.14 DC 06.02.2013.rar (226 KB)